ROD 10 

Rodenstein Records   ROD 10

Jubilee Jumpers
Jump Session

Peter Klinger (as) Sreffen Dix (tp) Andreas Pompe (ts) Huub Dutch (tp) Valenthin Engel (p) Michael Beutelspacher (git) Jochen Scheuermann (bs) James Simpson (dr) Jim Carrow (voc) recorded June 2003
I Know Your Wig Is Gone
Is You Is Or Is You Ain´t
The Jubilee Jump
St. Louis Blues
Jump Session
Hey Bartender
Jumping At The Jubilee
lToodle-oo On Down
Jump Right In
Red Top
Drum Boogie
LIVE! Everybody get together


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more about the music
more about the musicians

more about the music
Swing at its best is displayed by the legendary Fritz Münzer and his quintet on the album “Clouds”. The saxophone player from Mannheim has been active on the jazzscene for more than 50 years as a player, arranger and composer. On this album he is presenting some of the finest young talents from Mannheim and as a highlight the great vocalist Peggy Drake. Check out as well the great recording of a TV concert of his first quintet, feat. Manfred Schoof (tp) and Joe Haider (p) and the unique drummer Hartwig Bartz (“Fritz Münzer, feat. Hartwig Bartz, live im HR”JAZZ’n’ARTS CLASSICS C01) and his woderful arrangements on “Fritz Münzer Tentet” (JAZZ’n’ARTS RECORDS 0200)
